You conveniently review scuba concepts on your tablet, mobile device or computer, then go diving with a Deep Blue Divers PADI Professional. It’s quick and easy, and a good way to prepare for your next PADI course or get ready for a diving vacation. The best part is, divers who complete both the knowledge and in-water skill refresher receive a replacement certification card with a ReActivated date on it.
ReActivate is a new PADI program that may not yet be available in all areas. If you can’t access ReActivate, or can’t access in your language your Deep Blue Divers PADI Instructor can still complete a scuba skills review with you, and you can refresh your diving knowledge with Scuba Tune-Up Online.
In the water, your Deep Blue Divers PADI Professional will help you regain comfort and confidence in scuba diving. You’ll practice a few safety-related skills and then go over anything you specifically want to review.
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